
Trivec Rival integration

“We chose Trivec for their many partner integrations”

Trivec’s extensive partner network was decisive when Rival switched to Trivec.
-We chose Trivec for their many different partner-integrations and because they know the Swedish market. For us, the hotel connection to MEWS was crucial and everything has gone smoothly, says Tobias Wikberg, Food and Beverage Manager at Rival.

Tobias Wikberg is the Food & Beverage Manager at Rival. In addition to hotels, restaurants, and bars, Rival offers many different types of performances and shows. He has been working with Trivec for three years.

Hotel Integration

For Tobias, the advantage of Trivec’s pos system is the partner integrations. The hotel connection to MEWS allows Rival to offer guests a consolidated invoice for their entire hotel stay. For the guest, this means that they pay one invoice when they check out, including the cost of the hotel night, the dinner bill, and the bill for, e.g. room service.

The seamless integrations between Trivec and their partners made it obvious to choose Trivec, says Tobias.

Read about our partners

Interations Trivec MEWS

High User-Friendliness

Trivec’s pos system is highly user-friendly, and it is easy to understand the system, continues Tobias. The design of Trivec’s pos is also simple to understand, how to input items, and make changes to prices and menus, he says.

Everything is simple. The reporting tool in MyTrivec is easy to handle, how to extract numbers for analysis, and how to build reports, he says.

Knowledgeable Support

When Tobias has needed help, he has called Trivec’s support. A support team that he believes knows the Swedish market, legislation, how VAT should be set up, and other important issues that can arise.

I like that Trivec’s support is locally based and available when I need them, says Tobias.

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